“Growing Membership”
by Molly Blaisdell
Many of us have public relations contacts in our relationship database. And, to echo Membership Chair Tom Wilmer’s plea in last month’s “From the Board,” I would like to challenge every BATW member to reach out to at least one of their PR buddies to recruit them for membership.
By increasing our membership base with these corporate members, we open the door to more opportunities in which we can share a greater bank of resources, including press trip invitations, event invites, hosts for our monthly meetings and information sharing that could lead to your next, great story.
BATW has recently updated the membership category for public relations professionals, and we now refer to these esteemed members as “Corporate Members.”
Whether the PR practitioner is employed by a company, self-employed or part of a non-profit organization, Corporate Membership is available to those who are professionally affiliated with or represent public relations agencies, tourist boards or other organizations in the travel-related communications industry.
Here are a few of the benefits that your PR friends will receive from their Corporate Membership:
- Access to BATW’s website member section (with comprehensive information about each journalist’s outlets and reach)
- Networking with travel writers, photographers and broadcasters as well as with other travel industry professionals
- Opportunity to post press releases on the BATW website
- Monthly meetings that feature great venues and speakers
- Published listing in the online BATW Directory (in which corporate members can list clients and links)
- Educational panels
- Access to BATW’s Yahoo, LinkedIn and FaceBook groups for informal research and discussion
- Invitation to participate in BATW’s Corporate/Media Marketplace
- Opportunity to chat with Corporate liaison Molly Blaisdell about how to maximize benefits of corporate membership
Dues: Annual dues are only $125 per calendar year, plus a one-time $25 application fee. To apply, use the online application form.
Thanks to all of you for helping to build BATW!