A Few Tips on Using the Members-Only Section of the Website
We have had our new membership management software (Wild Apricot) up and running now for almost a year. This is the back-end database that we use to track our membership. When we installed the software package, we were able to import most of the data from the previous system but could not import the member photos. I have noticed that only a few of these have been updated and would like to encourage all members to re-add a photo –“avatar” – into their profile.
At the same time, I would encourage you to take a look at your profile and update it. This directory can used by our Corporate members to research our General membership, so it is important to keep it up to date.
How to update your profile: When you log into the members-only page, click on your name on the top right corner; this will bring you directly to your profile. Then click the “Edit profile” button.
Edit away, but don’t forget to hit the “save” button after your editing is completed, or your changes will be lost!
Also in the members-only section is the member directory. This will bring up a full listing of all our membership – General, Corporate, Emeritus and Provisional. This listing will show membership name, profession, membership type and credentialed status.
This also has a quick-search field to search by membership types or member names, etc. and an advanced search where any of the profile fields can be searched. With the advanced search, any combination of profile fields can be searched at the same time.
Wild Apricot is vastly superior to our former system, but to make it the best it can be, you’ll need to do your part and update.
—John Williamson, Board Member (and database administrator)