“Volunteers Make All the Difference”
It’s been said before: If everyone does a little, none of us have to do a lot.
Volunteers are the lifeblood of every non-profit organization: individuals willing to make the extra effort for the good of all.
That’s especially true of BATW. The organization has been blessed with talented and hardworking members taking on tasks that would task our budget if we have to pay for them.
Your Board is made up of volunteers who mull and make decisions and policies that affect us all. The Board makes policy, reviews procedures, keeps and updates records, oversees finances and studies ways to make BATW run better and more productively. In addition, each Board member helps plan one of the monthly programs. Some take on extra responsibility as officers. This year we’ve had outstanding service from our Treasurer, John Williamson, and our Secretary, John Sundsmo.
I know I won’t be able to mention everyone else who has helped out, but I’d like to say thanks to some members who show up for us monthly and don’t get enough recognition, including Monica Conrady, our meeting greeter; Ed Walsh, who has been the one to make sure we have coffee and snacks for our social session; and Bob Bone, who writes up each meeting. And thanks this year to three non-Board members have taken on the work – and it is work – of setting up a monthly meeting: Lee Foster. David Laws and Karen Misuraca.
Would you consider stepping up and offering to help out? We’d love to have you, for a one-time task, a special project or an ongoing responsibility. We have a number of chores looking for volunteers. Right now, for example, we need backup volunteers for the post of meeting greeter, refreshments and meeting reporter.
Drop a line and mention your interests to me at [email protected], and copy Executive Director Marc Longwood at [email protected].
You’ll find volunteering will make you more involved in BATW, and strengthen acquaintances into friendships – and you get a pizza party every year!
See you June 16 in Tiburon!
Judith Horstman