Members are encouraged to publish posts on behalf of our tourism partners and monthly meeting hosts.
BATW on InstagramIf you would like your photos included on the @bayareatravelwriters Instagram page, include @bayareatravelwriters in the comment area of your own Instagram post or use the hashtag #bayareatravelwriters to have your photo/post considered. Photos shared will include the original caption, photographers name and Instagram handle– so that others can also find your page!
BATW on Facebook:  open to public view, a sort of showcase of what’s going on with fellow members and colleagues. Here you can promote yourself, your travels, events, photos, your web site(s) and blog(s) by submitting news and announcements.  To receive BATW posts when you log onto Facebook, click the square “Like” button with the upraised thumb that sits to the right of the words Bay Area Travel Writers at the top of the page. Viola! You’re subscribed to the page!
Your news and announcements can also be submitted to ([email protected]). And, of course, you can also set up your personal LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter sites.