BATW Travel Magazine Call for Fall Submissions

The Fall 2024 issue the BATW online magazine Stories of Travel Culture & the World will be published on October 1st. Please submit your contributions no later than September 15th. There is no specific theme for this issue. Fall related topics will be admired but not required.

If you have written for the magazine before you can submit your file directly to the magazine site by using the “Add to publication” link from your page. If you don’t recall how to do this or haven’t published with us before, send an email message with a link to your story to the editors at:

To give our hardworking editors a break over the holidays, there will be no Winter issue. The Spring issue will be published on April 1st, 2025. – David Laws. Editors listed below.

Carol Canter
Lee Daley
Janet Fullwood
Erin Deinzer
Karen Misuraca


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