Hello, Travel Writers – and Readers –

Revel in New England’s fall colors with Carol Canter. Explore Japanese stone lanterns in Hilo, Hawai’i, with John Penisten. Discover (or reminisce about) the incredible Islamic-designs of the Alhambra in Granada, Spain, with Libor Pospisil. Investigate misconceptions about a dramatic nearby mountain with David Laws. Get a sneak preview of the Presidio Tunnel Tops with Susan Alcorn. And don’t miss Laurie McAndish King’s thoughtful essay about photography – all in this month’s BATW magazine, Stories of Culture, Travel & the World.

While you’re pondering which of your own stories you’ll submit, take some inspiration from the more than 100 stories your colleagues have had published. Please be supportive and read them. Then submit your own (guidelines at https://medium.com/batw-travel-stories/batw-travel-stories-submission-guidelines-52ee4abd2d49).

The editors hope you’ll enjoy this month’s selection and look forward to reading your submissions.

With warm regards,
April Orcutt
Karen Misuraca
David Laws
Erin Deinzer
Lee Daley
Carol Canter
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For the magazine:

Writers guidelines