Call for Candidates: BATW Wants You!

The BATW elections for the 2021 Board of Directors will be held Nov. 1- 15, 2020. As a member of the BOD, you can help make policy, create meetings and help grow our membership. Interested in serving? You must be a General, Credentialed member. This year, we have five open seats. Here’s the process for nomination:


  • First step: Learn about the post. Talk to an existing Board member (see list below) about what’s involved. Note: Serving on the Board has some perks, but requires commitment and work. You must be willing to serve on a committee, and help plan at least one member meeting or press event each year. Our bylaws also mandate that you can’t miss more than 2 meetings (we usually have four a year plus a January retreat that runs over two days).
  • October 22. This is the deadline to submit a photograph and candidate statement of your reasons for wanting to serve, including specific interests, experience and qualifications. It’s best if succinct: See BATW Members Only website under ELECTIONS for examples, then submit your statement and photo to Ginny Prior, BATW Executive Director, at
  • November 1 – 15. Online balloting. The candidates and their statements will be posted and voting open for 15 days in the month of November.
  • November 15. Ballots are tallied and candidates are elected beginning with the candidate who receives the most votes and continuing until remaining open elected Board seats are filled.
  • December Holiday Party. The new Board is announced and introduced to the membership at the annual holiday party.
  • Early January: Typically, the new BOD meets at an annual retreat to elect officers and to assign Board tasks according to members’ interests and abilities. If circumstances allow and the BOD agrees, we may have a retreat meeting in person. If not, we’ll meet on zoom.


Questions?  Contact Ginny Prior, Executive Director at  or Matthew Eley at Your 2023 BOD: Matthew Eley, John Williamson, Molly Blaisdell, Erin Caslavka, David Laws, Laurie Armstrong Gossy, Ruth Carlson, Amy Sherman, Ed Walsh, Rosy Cohan.



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