The highlights of the 2020 BATW Annual Board of Directors Meeting were delivered at the annual membership meeting January 18, after the Chase Center tour.
Among them:  Plans to update the BATW website; announcement of a book project; and a report on our healthy financials. A copy of the minutes and the financials will be posted in the Members section online.
Here’s a summary of the meeting.
Officers were elected for 2020, with Judith Horstman reelected as president for what will be her last year on the BOD; and John Williamson reelected as treasurer. New member Matthew Eley volunteered to serve as secretary and will work with webmaster John Williamson on the website update. Membership Chair Tom Wilmer, who had to rotate off the BOD for a year, was appointed to a one-year term to fill a vacancy. Welcome back, Tom! Molly Blaisdell remains our corporate liaison. Thank you, Molly.
Financially, we are in the black again. Our hard-working treasurer trimmed back many extraneous and even expired expenses over the past few years, so we end 2019 with net of $4,529 and a bank balance of close to $14,000  — a good reserve moving forward. Thank you, John!
About our major projects:
Website update and redesign has already started, so you will see some blips and freezes from time to time. The BOD has started looking for web developers; a call was made for recommendations on Facebook and in an email to some recommended developers. At the meeting, the Board reviewed and edited several items on the BATW home page — and we can use some volunteers. Contact John Williamson.
The Book project for 2020 with a working title of Unforgettable: Life changing journeys  will be published in time for our Holiday party, which means submission deadline is May 1. So get thinking about those exceptional travels that opened you up, turned you around, disappointed you, educated or elated you and otherwise made them unforgettable. Detailed specs to come by Feb meeting – but keep that May 1 submission deadline in mind and start writing!
As well as charting BATW directions for 2020, the BOD took these actions, lowering some fees and increasing the fee for no-shows.

Finally, the BOD agree to take a formal BATW Stance opposing the state adoption of AB-85. the “Gig law” that affects all contract or freelance workers including writers and photographers. Ruth Carlson drafted a statement for BATW members to send to our representatives.
Ideas? Suggestions? Let us know.  Email
Onward to another great year!
Judith Horstman, president BATW