Treasurer’s Update
In mid-June last year Treasurer Bill Scull left for six months of volunteer work in Ghana and the Board appointed me to take over his duties. I was recently elected to finish out his term, which will expire in December 2014. As I write this, I am in the last throes of my first BATW membership renewal process. Thanks to all of you who renewed for another great year.
I want you to know that BATW finances are in good shape. You can review our 2013 end-of-the-year financial statement by logging into “For Members” on the home page, selecting Services, and then Treasurer’s Reports. In the meantime, here is the summary: Our total income last year was $17,268 and our expenses were $13,209. We will carryover $4,059 into 2014.
The Board has also approved a tentative $17,100 operating budget for 2014. Some of our major expenses will continue to include meetings, BATW website, insurance, holiday party, and credit card processing. A final budget will be developed and shared with the membership after all renewals have been processed and the Board has made final financial decisions.
May you all have Happy Travels and a great 2014!
–Janet Wilson, Treasurer