"Twitter Talk at the Aquarium" — by Georgia I. Hesse

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Spud Hilton
Spud Hilton

“Twitter Talk at the Aquarium”

by Georgia I. Hesse

When Spud Hilton, the S.F. Chronicle’s travel editor, stepped on stage at the BATW meeting on Feb. 16th at the Aquarium of the Bay, it was like watching the Energizer bunny in full flight.
Social media were the subject of the presentation; teaching us how to employ them effectively was its objective. Hilton hurtled through Twitter and Facebook, hesitated at the corner of Vimeo and Vine, and came to a stop at, as I recall, LinkedIn … or was it Instagram?
Spud spoke of “levels of engagement,” an enticing approach to the final achievement: using social media to promote oneself and one’s work. Deus knows we can all use a lot of instruction and inspiration to achieve that.
As many of us scribblers strive to find our ways out of the economic doldrums that stall journalistic success today, we appreciate any assistance that guides like Spud can supply. I came away with a familiar caveat: Are we not in danger of over-communication?
At the end, I thought, Spud brought the correct conclusion out of what to me still seems chaos: Just tell the story.
Following the meeting, the Aquarium showed its short and stunning film, “Inside the New Bay Bridge.” I was in awe of the engineering. Too bad the Egyptians didn’t have this film technology when they were constructing the Pyramids. The film is shown daily. Don’t miss it.


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