Are you looking to enhance your social media standing? Have you got something to share with your fellow travel partners? Would you like to receive invitations to events not sponsored by our BATW corporate partners but posted on our Yahoo listserv? Spend a few minutes, now, signing up for BATW’s social media sites (note embedded links that will take you to each site:
BATW on InstagramIf you would like your photos included on the @BAYAREATRAVELWRITERS Instagram page, include @bayareatravelwriters in the comment area of your own Instagram post or use the hashtag #bayareatravelwriters to have your photo/post considered. Photos shared will include the original caption, photographers name and Instagram handle– so that others can also find your page!
BATW on LinkedIna network of professional “connections” where members of a professional group post updates of their bio and their work- and career-related activities, and offer information about professional development, and news relating to the travel writing and photography industries.
BATW on Facebook:  open to public view, a sort of showcase of what’s going on with fellow members and colleagues. Here you can promote yourself, your travels, events, photos, your web site(s) and blog(s) by submitting news and announcements.  To receive BATW posts when you log onto Facebook, click the square “Like” button with the upraised thumb that sits to the right of the words Bay Area Travel Writers at the top of the page. Viola! You’re subscribed to the page!
BATW Forum on Yahoo Groupsa conversation for BATW members only. Topics may be membership and industry issues, news and links about classes, lectures, press trips and the like. Think of the forum as a cocktail party—kibbitz, share info, leads and opportunities; offer your insight and opinions; ask and answer questions; vent your frustrations; let us know what’s happening in your world––no holds barred (except no gossip, politics or religion).  Click the Join This Group! link in the upper-right corner of the page. You will need a Yahoo! Profile and an email address to receive messages.
Your news and announcements can also be submitted to ([email protected]). And, of course, you can also set up your personal LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter sites.