For BATW members thinking about book publishing, I have published on The Book Designer website some thoughts on the future of travel book publishing. My article summarizes my presentation at the recent Scoma event and includes the names and books of our other three panelists—Ruth, Barbara, and Valerie—plus a mention about the existence of BATW to the great world beyond. See Traditional vs Independent/Self-Publishing of Books: A 2020 Vision
The Book Designer is a prominent website in the modern book publishing scene. It is run by Joel Friedlander, who lives in Marin County. Every 5 weeks I contribute an article to the site. This is now my 7th contribution. See the earlier contributions at
The Book Designer is a force in the modern publishing scene, especially for self-publishers, independent publishers, and small publishers. Each new article goes to a subscriber list of 5,500. In 2018 the site had more than 1M user visits and about 3.4M pageviews.
More than 20K authors have used Joel Friedlander book design templates for their projects, making him arguably one of the most prolific creators of book designs now affecting modern publishing.
-Lee Foster