Just in time for the Olympics, Lina Broydo has re-purposed and published a two-part series entitled Six Perfect Days in Tokyo and Hong Kong. The articles came out in late July in LaOferta, the #1 bilingual publication in the United States.

Click on hyperlinks to read parts one and two.


Eren Goknar published an article in late June about local historical parks that you can visit post-pandemic. She researched every destination on her 35-pound TravelScoot mobility scooter. Read the article here in the Los Altos Town Crier.


BATW Magazine is publishing about a dozen new, high-quality stories in August. You’ll find them at https://medium.com/batw-travel-stories. To read all the stories for free, click on the “friend links” in the “Contents & Friend Links to BATW Travel Stories Magazine” post.

Lee Daley’s story “Ogunquit: A Beautiful Place by the Sea” has had nearly two-thousand views, and nearly one-thousand have viewed the playful story by David Laws entitledEven the Logo was Phony: Big Sur Naval Base Cold War Secrets Revealed.”