From the Board: October 2014

Tom Wilmer

Message from the BATW Membership Chair:

The annual BATW Board of Directors election will be in November again this year. Because Board members are elected for overlapping two-year terms, we’ll have five open positions for 2015. Candidates need to submit a short statement (about 100 words) about why they would like to join the Board and how they might contribute to the organization—these statements will be included on the ballot. Please send your statements to Board member Laurie McAndish King ( by October 31.
Our membership continues to grow, with both new journalists and Associate members. Be on the lookout for unfamiliar faces at monthly BATW meetings, and be sure to introduce yourself to them and to other members as well. Remember the time you joined a group and arrived for your first meeting, only to wind up feeling invisible? Let’s keep our eyes peeled for new faces and welcome them warmly—make them feel a part of our wonderful family! Recent new members include: Sarah Lunsford, Eren Goknar, Team San Jose, Santa Clara CVB, Julia Conway representing Assaggiare Mendocino, Hotel Council of San Francisco, Susan Wilson Marketing.
Please do invite friends and associates to attend a monthly meeting as your guest, in hopes they will want to join BATW (as always, check first to see if a particular monthly meeting has a strict attendance cap). If you are friends with someone from a tourism destination marketing organization, or are working with a regional CVB, be sure to invite them to join as an Associate member.
—Tom Wilmer


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