Legendary Travel Writer Tim Cahill to Speak at BATW's Next Zoom Event

Renowned travel writer Tim Cahill and Sierra Magazine editor Katie O’Reilly will speak (via Zoom) to our group on June 17 from 5-6 pm PST, about writing and selling articles set in the wilderness. Member Jules Older, a writer-videographer who’s done a lot of work of this, er nature, will be moderating this panel, the latest in our series of one-hour, early-evening sessions aimed at keeping us connected and learning. Invitation by email only.
Tim Cahill, as many of you will know, is one of the founders of Outside magazine and author of its long-running “Out There” column. Tim has contributed frequently to Rolling Stone. He’s the author of nine books, one of which, Jaguars Ripped my Flesh, was named by National Geographic as one of the 100 best adventure/travel books ever written. He is the co-author of four IMAX documentary screenplays, two of which were nominated for Academy Awards. He lives in Montana, in the shadow of the Crazy Mountains.
This is a story he wrote for Rolling Stone on Guyana after the Jonestown Massacre: https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-news/in-the-valley-of-the-shadow-of-death-guyana-after-the-jonestown-massacre-242259

Katie O’Reilly is Sierra magazine’s Adventure + Lifestyle editor, covering outdoor adventure, sustainable travel, food & agriculture, wildlife, and eco-centric culture. She’s worked on literary journals (Ecotone), trade magazines (DAYSPA), and radio stations (tiny NPR affiliates), and assisted media moguls (Arianna Huffington). Her writing appears in The AtlanticBuzzfeed, Bitch, Outside, Runner’s World, and other pubs. When she’s not writing or editing, she’s typically out exploring the trails of Northern California with her pit-mix Maeve.
This is the archive of pieces she’s contributed to Sierrahttps://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/authors/katie-oreilly. This essay focuses on whether it’s a good thing – environmentally, ethically – to choose to have a child now: https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/2019-6-november-december/feature/have-or-not-have-children-age-climate-change (It was written, as is evident, before the outbreak.)

Jules Older
Jules Older

And here’s a link to a bio of moderator and longtime Chronicle contributor Jules Older: https://www.sfgate.com/julesolder


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One Response

  1. This will be terrific! Both Tim Cahill and Katie O’Reilly will be excellent guests — great people. And Jules will be a fine moderator, too. Thanks go to Alec Scott for pulling together such a wonderful panel!