To borrow from Mr. Dickens, “It was the worst of times; it was the best of times…”
While most of us were hunkered down trying to survive the global pandemic, a few brave souls took advantage of the extended time away from friends, family, loved ones, and travel, to not only write—but publish—a book.
Join us for our May meeting, via Zoom, when we’ll hear from several of our members (and a guest author!) about their respective journeys from concept, to researching and writing, and, finally, publishing and promoting their books. Also joining us will be our own Jim Shubin who’ll bring to the panel his knowledge of self-publishing.
The event will be held on Zoom (invitation coming by email) from 5:30-7pm PST on Thursday, May 19.
One Response
I am a former and longtime member of BATW. Due to a recent surgery, I was unable to attend the Zoom event on book publishing, May 19th.
Is there any chance under the sun it might be possible to see a re-play of it? Or has anyone possibly videotaped it. Or in a BATW archive perhaps?
If so, I’d be extremely grateful.
Jenny Rosenbaum