Category: BATW Events

Charlie Chaplin skyrocketed to fame in the films he first made in the Niles Canyon area of Fremont.
Don’t miss this lively hour of presentations and prizes.
Niles rivaled Hollywood as the movie capital of the world in 1914.
There’s much more to Santa Clara than the stadium and convention center.
The Zoom tutorial is an introductory look at using the big four social media platforms.
The Saturday meeting includes breakfast, free parking and a guided tour of Levi Stadium.
Trusted by restaurants, bars, hotels, and travel destinations, the report has become an indispensable resource.
The annual meeting is a chance to meet new members and brainstorm on future programs, venues, membership perks and more.
The annual BATW holiday soiree is being held in the storied Elks Lodge overlooking Union Square.
BATW’s October meeting was inside the cozy and historic Julia Morgan Hall at UC Botanical Gardens, Berkeley.